Which machinery factories are suitable for industrial vacuum cleaners?

Common equipment in the machinery factory industry is rough as follows: Lathes, electric welding machines, milling machines, planers, argon arc welding machines, cold welding machines, CNC lathes, grinding machines, bending machines, shears, drilling machines, etc.

Which machinery factories are suitable for industrial vacuum cleaners?

When machinery and equipment are in operation, industrial waste will be produced. It is very difficult to clean these industrial waste manually. The area cleaned by a manual day is not as efficient as one-tenth of an industrial vacuum cleaner. Therefore, In order not to affect the production schedule and the concept of environmental protection, industrial vacuum cleaner manufacturers are getting more and more attention in the industry.

So what are the types of industrial vacuum cleaners suitable for machine factories?
1. According to the actual location selection, some factories have limited areas, and the production line or shelf spacing is too small. Please refer to specific data when choosing a vacuum cleaner. Some places will not be unavailable after purchase.

2. Reference to the power of industrial vacuum cleaners. Too small power results in a lot of debris particles with a little weight that cannot be absorbed cleanly, which is very embarrassing.

3. Capacity, this must be looked at. If the industrial vacuum cleaner you buy is suitable for everything, but the capacity is too small, then you still want to buy it. Of course, you don’t want to buy it. You can measure the capacity you want to buy according to the area of the site. The wrong choice will not improve work efficiency but will increase the workload of employees.

4. Wire length and wire thickness must be understood.

The above is just a partial collection of the industrial vacuum cleaner conditions required by the machinery factory, and there are many details that need to be paid attention to. If you don’t understand, you can send a private message.

Publication Date: 11 August, 2020


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